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In Dew Time

Restoration, Encouragement, Rest, and Refreshing
In Dew Time

Touching those who are touching the world.

In Dew Time is an outreach of Destiny International.The ministry consists of a dedicated team of believers who travel where missionaries serve God and invite them to come away for a special time of refreshing and encouragement set aside just for them.

There is no expense to the missionaries. All expenses are paid by those who share the vision to support those who are “taking the Good News into all the world.”

Each outreach is three days of restoration, encouragement, rest, and refreshing at a beautiful hotel. The team bring gifts from home, listens to their concerns and prays for them as they go. Great care goes into this special time of ministry.

You can support this outreach by donating today.

Here is what missionaries who have attended have said:

T&C, Serving in Europe
I didn’t have a whole lot of expectations. I was feeling pretty low, exhausted and guilty, feeling like I wasn’t living up to what I should be. Then we had this amazing dinner, just delicious. And as I was munching, thinking…

What did I do to deserve this? I don’t really deserve this.


It occurred to me how much like the gospel the whole weekend is. Take one underserving sinner, dump outrageous, delicious, restful generosity on him by the bucketload and you have a good analogue to what God has done for us in Christ! God’s outrageous generosity is so much bigger than “In Dew Time”, but the idea is on the same wavelength; being ridiculously good to people who don’t deserve it. And then, to top it off, the speakers just spent the weekend wailing on the gospel, making sure we got the point; free grace to people who don’t measure up because of God’s huge love. It was exactly what we needed to hear. All in all, a terrific time, and much needed – like pressing the reset button on my heart.

J&C, serving in Prague, Cz Republic
We don’t know how to say thank you in a way that you will understand how much the weekend with you meant to us. We were so blessed by the beautiful hotel, food, and ministry we received. But the greatest gift we received from you was the love you showed us all from the first words you spoke to us, to the last hugs, when we said good bye. Thank you for taking the time to come to shower us with God’s love and His blessings.

Thank you to those who made it all possible by funding this unforgettable experience! You have invested in the lives of ministers and their families. The return of those investments are refreshed ministers with a new resolve, sound ministry families, congregations who have pastors that have found healing, and lost people that will come to Jesus, because missionaries were strengthened to stay in their field longer.


As missionaries, there is always the pressure to perform. So, we started to have this performance mentality in our relationship with God. That wrong way of thinking was washed away during this amazing weekend. We remembered that we can rest in Him, that we are His children, and that He loves us. Strange how missionaries can forget that yes, God loves us too! 🙂

From two very blessed missionaries, we urge you to continue these special weekends, and ask those who have invested financially to continue to do so as well. Steve and Rita have shown their integrity and their only agenda: To love, encourage, and care for ministers all around the world, and to make sure they know that they are not alone.

J&P, serving in Asia
Wow, Fantastic, overwhelming…..
Words fail to express how refreshing your ministry has been to us. Most assuredly you brought a word in due season! “There were so many things you did for us but to specify a few; the gift bag with items selected just for us individually meant so much and were like a glass of cold water on a hot day, so refreshing.

“We absolutely LOVED spending time with the other missionaries. As independent missionaries we seldom get to fellowship with others in the region, we have no real support group here, so the time with like-minded people was fantastic! Our biggest battle on the mission-field is loneliness. It is a powerful tool of the devil, and for us it is about missing our family. Nothing ever fills that void of being away from children and grandchildren. This event helped us connect and develop relationships that otherwise would never have happened. You and every single member of your team powerfully ministered to us though conversation, worship and fellowship. The bottom line is that you all made us feel very special and loved.”

We stand in awe of the wonderful expression of God's Extravagant Love displayed by you, your team and those who funded this time of refreshing.

R&N, serving in Thailand
We would like to send you our thanks, and tell you how refreshing “In Dew Time” was for us. We had been running like crazy (had been in 7 countries and were TIRED!)

It was so refreshing to come and meet people, good friends, and bask in his presence during worship time. The laughter was so wonderful to hear and participate in. Laughter is medicine to our bones.


Steve & Rita, we think this time was really special because you guys have been where we are, and experienced and know the good, the bad, and even the ugly that happens on the field. It was so great to hear your testimonies, your hearts, and for those just starting to know that they can make it. As long as they keep their focus on the Lord! It was also wonderful to hear that you didn’t always do everything right! We’ve all been there, but many times you don’t hear people express it.

Thanks for hearing the Lord and being obedient to bless those on the field!


In Dew Time

Your contribution of $35 to buy a Missionary lunch is an unexpected treat for them to enjoy and relax during their free time, while attending the In Dew Time Conference.

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In Dew Time Groups
In Dew Time Groups

“I tell people all the time that God loves them, but I forgot He loves me too.”

“The friendships that I made at “In Dew Time” have continued and we are now helping each other in ministry too. Connections that would have been impossible without the retreat. Thank you so much!"

“Heaven came a little closer to reveal His love for us.”

“Steve and Rita, you have been where we are and have experienced what we felt. Thanks for sharing your hearts and for being so transparent."

“The laughter was wonderful and medicine to our bones.”

“You’ll never know how much we felt cared for. It was like God wrapped His arms around us those few days.”

“I will remember this weekend for the rest of my life!"

"We have never know such spontaneous generosity in all our years on the field.”